Friday, 21 December 2018

How Email Marketing Can Supplement Your SEO Efforts

One thing that you need to keep in mind about digital marketing is that its every aspect is connected to the others in one way or another. It means that impact of one practice can occur on the other areas of digital marketing. For instance, the impact of effective email marketing can be quite positive on your SEO effort. Now, you may wonder if both of these fields are connected to each other. The matter of fact is that the connection is quite an established one. You just have to make sure that this connection works in favor of you and your business.

Having that said, it would be worth mentioning how email marketing can be helpful for your website’s SEO.

Qualified traffic to your website
The capability of an email marketing campaign to drive traffic to the website is not unknown. However, we are talking about qualified traffic in this regard. The qualified traffic is the one which holds better chances of getting converted. As a matter of fact, qualified traffic is the very reason you may continue with your SEO approach. Although it doesn’t mean that you should abandon other SEO practices in order to focus solely on email marketing, the email marketing campaign is surely going to give your SEO process the boost it requires.

Improved on-site engagement
Another big advantage of email marketing is that you can attract users who are going to stay longer on your website in order to read the web content and interact with other website’s features. The major benefit of this engagement is that the number of users converting into customers is going to be higher. Moreover, the improved engagement is also beneficial from the perspective is SEO. The longer a user stays on your website, the lower the bounce rate is going to be. Low bounce rate contributes directly in improving the ranks of your website.

Ease in developing more targeted content strategy
Content development is a tricky process because knowing about the users’ preferences is always a difficult thing to do. It means that you are going to have to do a lot of research and your content needs to be highly generic in order to make people sticking with your website. The conversion rate is also not going to be too high in this regard. The benefit of email marketing is that you can let the more interested audience to view your content. Nevertheless, you are going to do the research to find such audience before sending emails. Based on the type of audience you target, you can create and modify the content in the way you want.

High performing emails as new content
With email marketing campaign, it is going to be easier for you to know about the well-performing emails. You can use content in those emails to make it the part of your website.

Saturday, 15 December 2018

SEO Techniques That You Need To Implement Sooner Than Later

When it comes to implementing SEO, you need to make sure that you have not forgotten about the basics. You still need to create high quality content, build high quality links and prioritize semantic search while doing keyword research.

However, there are a few things which have changed. The matter of fact is that there are some new aspects which are added in the basics of SEO. If you are not focusing on those new basics, you can end up having a failed SEO strategy. There are a few things that you can take into consideration if you want to succeed with your SEO approach.

Mobile first index
The number of smartphone users has surpassed that of desktop users. The way we use internet on web can be different due to small screen. It means that the websites need to adjust according to the mobile specifications. This is the reason that search engines have made it necessary for the websites to be able to serve the mobile users. Mobiles are usually quite lower in specs due to limited processing power and storage capability. Hence, they may not be able to load webpages made for desktop very efficiently and effectively on mobiles. The algorithm that bounds web developers to take care of mobile users’ requirements is known as mobile first index.

Speed of your web page
In the year 2018, speed of the web page became an official ranking factor. However, web page speed is not influencing the rankings at the moment. That is mainly due to the fact that not many people have increased the speed of their web pages. But, we can assume that this ranking factor is going to come into effect in the coming months.

Rise of video content
If you want to make the content interesting for the viewers, you will need to bring it to them through different channels. Video platforms provide you with an opportunity to say what you want to say with much ease. The major benefit of videos is that you can customize them in the way you want. You can add different effects to make them look interesting and authentic. If you are able to get services of influencers, you can ask them to speak for your business; and then you can make a video if them speaking. You can also upload unboxing videos about your products in order to let people know about your products in better way.

Google my business
The power of local listings cannot be ignored if you want to get instant leads and better conversion. The successful local businesses always show in local search results. Make sure that your website is optimized for local search results. For this purpose, you have to make sure that your Google My Business listing is updated.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Tops Reasons to Avoid Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is defined by different people in different ways. But the simple definition of black hat SEO is that it’s anything related to marketing on internet that violates Google guidelines.

Nevertheless, there are people who think that black hat SEO can be the faster way to get marketing boost on Google. Well, it’s the huge mistake one can make by thinking of black hat SEO as something beneficial. It remains beneficial until Google find this practice through algorithmic scanning or by manual action. And you know what happens afterwards.

It’s unfortunate that some SEO professionals find it beneficial for some websites to try this dark type of SEO. Nevertheless, they should instead focus on the reasons why situations like this can happen.

Having that said, you should know the reasons why black hat SEO can still work for a few websites.

The early stage of SEO
When a website is launched and marketing professionals think about bringing it on the top, it’s the time when they could use a quicker boost in traffic to bring the website in spotlight. However, it is to be remembered that such results disappear with the same pace with which they would appear.

Some marketers continue with this practice even though they know about this undesirable result. The reason is that there are some websites which require quicker traffic boost for specific purposes, such as affiliate programs. Such programs are usually of disposable type.

Need for aggressive marketing
While the vocals about ethical SEO can say that there is no need to bring in the black hat when legitimate SEO can always help in pulling off great results, they wouldn’t convince the marketers of businesses which require aggressive marketing efforts. Such businesses basically include casinos, prescription medicines and mortgage loans. These websites commonly use black hat SEO as their life saving technique to bring back business into the SERPs.

Bad news for such marketers is that they wouldn’t be able to enjoy the results of such aggressive marketing. Moreover, such marketing efforts definitely fail when these are applied to the normal businesses which can get promoted by white hat methods.

Less competition
When you are in the field of SEO, you will need to hear from the experts across the globe. This is how you learn things effectively. While discussing things in chat and forums, you may find some experts advocating black hat. They might even show you the case study with genuine results, leading you to find no way other than to get convinced.

Well, you don’t need to be tricked by this. The reason such marketing efforts may show results can be the less competition in the area for which the website has been prepared. In other words, the maturity level of Amazon SEO in such areas can be quite lower. Therefore, any website in that area, with the help of any kind of SEO, would rank higher than the website which wouldn’t utilize any SEO.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Social Media Marketing Trends the Healthcare Care Industry Needs to Know in 2017

Can you believe that the New Year is already here? It seemed just like yesterday we were ringing in 2016. But time flies, and as it does, it brings with it new change. This rings particularly true in the world of Social Media. Some things have stayed the same, but much has changed. And these changes are important to know and understand as you start to develop your marketing strategy for 2017.  

The biggest key to developing your marketing strategy in2017 is this; you must understand your audience. You need to know what makes them tick. What it is that drives them to social media or to certain sites. Finding out what they want and how they want it is crucial when trying to market towards your specific audience. Sure data is great, understanding the social media sites is great, tactics are great, it’s all great. But, if you fail to understand your audience, you will fail to secure them as potential clients.

One way you can start understanding your audience, and social media as a whole, is by recognizing the growing trends. According to research the biggest trends on social media right now are boiled down into 3 things.

1.      Video (live, recorded, and 360-marketing)
2.      Influencer marketing
3.      Bots

Let’s look at video. For a couple years now, video on social media has flourished. More and more people have started to use it as away of communicating, expressing thoughts, ideas, and opinions. They use it to vent, to make people laugh, or to show off their cool skills. As video grew in popularity, social media sites recognized this, and started making changes to make it their sites primes source of communication. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. all now carry some form of live feed. Because of this, Marketing Tips for sMALL bUsinEss are now being built around video and live feeds to better interact with customers and clients. So, keep video in the front of your mind as you start to develop your healthcare focused marketing strategy.

Influencer marketing is another big one on social media. People like people. People trust people. Especially, when the aforementioned people are people who are well known, famous, or are a social media god or goddess. A lot of times a business will approach a person with a large followings on social media to promote their business or product. You see it all the time these days. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are filled with people who are constantly advertising brands, products, and services. This trend as a marketing strategy continues to gain popularity. If you can find a person of affluence in your industry who has a good number of followers, you may want to consider reaching out.

Bots. Oh how the Terminator would love us for this. Bots are applications that perform an automated task, such as setting an alarm, telling you the weather, or searching online. Siri, for example, is a bot. They serve many purposes and continue to take the social media world by storm. Because after all, who really wants to do anything themselves?

It is important to understand and take into consideration all of these growing trends when you develop your SEO strategy for the year 2017. Social media has become the primary source of advertisement and growing a brand’s awareness. Which makes perfect sense because everyone is on it and everyone uses it. But, that doesn’t mean you can just post something on social media and be done. You need to make sure your content is quality, that you are building a following, and that you are taking into account what your clients and patients want. If you can learn how to do this, then you’ll set yourself up for success in the coming year of 2017. 

SEOs Top Ten Types of Content

There are so many rules to SEO today that it’s hard to follow them all. Do you do this, or not do this. Or if you don’t do this other thing, will Google penalize you? Plus, then you have content. What is quality content? What is bad content? Why types of content are you supposed to use? And the questions can go on and on an on. Well, don’t fear, we’re here to help make the world of SEO just a little bit easier for you and your healthcare practice. Recently, a study was done showing the top ten types of content that works for best for SEO. Today we’re going to share them with you. Now, before we do, that doesn’t mean you need to do all ten types. Rather, it’s a matter of figuring out what your users want, and giving it to them.

So, here we go, the top ten types of SEO content that work are:

1.      Blog posts – ones that are regularly updates or republished
2.      Short-form evergreen content articles
3.      Long-form articles
4.      Photo and visual galleries
5.      Detailed and information-rich lists of information
6.      Interactive tools and content
7.      Comprehensive category landers
8.      Multi-page guides
9.      Data or complex information
1.  Video

So, now the question remains, which type should you use? Well, this depends entirely upon what it is your potential patient is looking for. The way to determine that by figuring out what is the patient’s intent, and what are they trying to accomplish. Most times, in the healthcare world, a user is looking for information.  And that is exactly what content marketing is for. However, there are several different types of informational queries, i.e. a quick answer to a question, a deep comparison, a broad overview, sheer curiosity, professional and scientific interest, muti-threaded exploration, and the list could go on. And depending on the type of query you decide on, will affect the type of content you post. So, how do you narrow down and figure out which type of query should be focused on, so you can determine the type of content? That question leads us to the next step.

Once you have answered the question of what the patient is looking for, go online and search for it. See what pops up. This will help you determine not only the query that is most wanted, but also the type of content that is used to answer such query. For example, let’s say you concluded the user wants to know “How to combat seasonal allergies?” Well, go into Google, type that exact question in, and see what pops up. Now, what do you see? Do you see a quick answer? Do you see chat threads, do you see informative articles? What you find will help you determine how you will go about deciding your content. Weather if it’s you want to continue with the same type of content that seems to work, or try another type entirely just to be different.

The third and final question you’ll ask yourself to finalize your decision on the type of content is “What’s going to resonate with two groups – my audience and their influencers?” To determine this you have to answer the question, “what type of device are they searching from?” This will give you insight as to the type of person they are. For instance, if they are searching from a mobile device then it’s likely they are an on the go type of person. And let’s say you’ve established that they want an informative type of article. You now know it will probably be best to make it a short-form piece of content. And just like that, you’ve now figured out the exact type of content you should use.

Content writing doesn’t have to be difficult. By listening to your potential patients, and figuring out what it is they want. It can help you establish the types of content that will not only work best with SEO, but for your own practice as well.